Your Grant Writing Team

You don’t have to write grants alone!

As you’re moving through the grant writing process, here are some key team members you can lean on:


Your fellow artists are there to help you brainstorm project ideas and give feedback on the artistic merit of the work.

  • What samples of work demonstrate this idea the best?

  • What do you think about this project idea? Do you think it sounds interesting?

  • How do you think this project idea fits into the landscape of artistic practice in this medium / region / subject-matter?

Grant writer:

If you are working with a grant writer, they can help you with strategy and translating your ideas onto the page.

  • How can I articulate this idea so that the proposal sounds clear and convincing?

  • What kinds of career goals should I include in this answer?

  • What information can be condensed so this answer fits within the word limit?

  • Does this plan sound feasible?

Program officer:

Program officers are your friends! Contact them with any questions you have about the grant program.

  • Is my project idea eligible for grants?

  • What expenses can I include in my budget?

  • What information should I include in the artist agreement letters?


Questions about what it means to get a grant, and how to manage the funds? Ask an accountant!

  • Income tax implications of getting a grant


6-Step Guide to Grant Writing for Artists


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